Senior - Adult and families (Aged 14+ and/or 4th kup and above)
Our senior grade classes run every Monday and Thursday at 8:20pm in the main sports hall. All students are welcome to attend any Saturday classes we are running. This class is suitable for adults and teenagers to learn and enjoy Tae Kwon-do. The majority of students in this class have graduated from our classes.
All senior grades are encouraged to arrive early, if possible, and assist the junior grades by answering questions or helping to provide one to one feedback. As well has demonstrating the tenets of taekwondo this helps all students consolidate their own knowledge of the art.
Students wishing to take gradings need to attend 70% of classes to ensure they have met one of the minimum grading requirements.
If you are unsure which class you should be attending please contact us.
All red and black belt students must ensure they meet the TAGB requirements for attending South East area pre-grading training every six months, and keep their records stamped up to date.